Dr. Robert Otto Becker

Otto Becker

Becker has been credited with promoting the awareness of the scientific community to the study of electrical potentials in organisms. His work showed that living organisms and animals have a continuous electric charge current that is measurable from the surface of the body. In the 1960s, research by Becker also revealed that live bone can generate piezoelectrically electrical potentials, which led to the work of using electricity to treat untied fractures.

The Body Eletric Cover

He wrote the book The Body Electric. This book deals with the electrical nature of the human body. Becker did pioneering research between human physiology and electricity. For 30 years he has investigated the healing of bones, organs and nerves by proving that direct current electrical stimulation promotes healing of bones and other tissues. It also works scientifically to prove that some parts of the body can regenerate.

Becker believed that extrasensory perception could occur from extremely low frequency waves. Robert Becker, helped define the study of bioelectricity and led the initial opposition to high voltage lines because of suspicions about health effects.

Having noticed that sunspots – sunspots – can wreak havoc on radio communications, Becker wondered if they could affect the mind. He found that the rashes had a positive correlation with admissions to state psychiatric hospitals.

Becker was a pioneer in the newly developed field of “bioelectronics”. He studied cellular mechanisms, considering them as cybernetic and electronic systems, and found that, at the level of an individual cell, microcrystals and other cellular elements can be involved in the modulation of intracellular electrical currents, similar to what happens in a semiconductor circuit. Certain cellular elements, such as membranes, for example, can be considered to act as capacitors. Other internal structures, including mitochondria and their electron transport chains, can be thought of as tiny cells or sources of electrical energy. This means that there may be electronic switching and transmission systems within and between cells. Under current biological conditions, the development of living bodies has been guided from the beginning by unicellular semiconductivity, as a piezoelectric matrix. The basic primitive tissues (glia, satellite and Schwann cells) support neurons in the human system, whose primary source of power is of an electrical nature. This became especially evident in bone growth in response to mechanical stresses and fractures, demonstrating the characteristics of electrical control systems.

Stimulation of cartilage regeneration through magnetic currents, partial restoration of limbs using low-density direct currents, stimulation of bone growth by electric fields, inhibition of the growth of tumors implanted in mammals with the use of electric currents – all of this belongs to the field of electromedicine. Electromedicine is the science that takes advantage of cellular electrophysiological energies through the use of the appropriate electromechanical field.

Dr. Robert O. Becker in his The Body Electric establishes that the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person’s health can be determined by its frequency.


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